Neurotrip VII Students’ Congress Statute
General Provisions
1. Congress “Neurotrip 7” 2024, hereinafter referred as “the Congress” is being organized by students’ scientific clubs:
- SKN przy Klinice Neurochirurgii PIM MSWiA w Warszawie
- Koło Anatomiczne WUM
2. Hereinafter referred as Organizers
3. The Congress has a nationwide range.
4. The Congress takes place in a stationary formula at Państwowy Instytut Medyczny MSWiA.
5. The Congress is aimed at students, doctors and scientists interested in the diagnosis process and treatment of neurooncological diseases.
6. The Congress purpose is to underline the necessity of interdisciplinarity and cooperation of medical professionals of different specialities.
7. Official languages of the Congress are English and Polish.
8. The Congress will take place on 16.03.2024.
9. The Congress possesses official profiles in social media:
- Instagram:
- Facebook:
- Website:
1. The main condition of participation is filling the application form.
2. There are two types of participants: active and passive.
3. Active Participant:
- Declares at least one abstract via the active participants application form.
- Presents qualified scientific work in an appropriate session.
- Receives active participant certificate and congress kit.
- Participates in a scientific works competition.
4. Passive Participant:
- Declares participation via the passive participants application form.
- Participates in a discussion panel after presentations.
- Receives passive participant certificate and congress kit.
5. The deadline for declaring passive participation expires one week before the Congress or, in case of shortage of passive participants slots it may happen before the deadline. If the application form is closed before the deadline, Organizers will inform about that through social media profiles.
Conditions of registration and qualification of research works and case reports
1. According to paragraph I.7 abstracts have to be prepared in Polish or English. It is possible to declare presentation of original works, reviews works and case reports studies. It is required to be an author of presented work.
2. The deadline for declaring a presentation expires on 16.02.2024.
3. Organizers reserve the right to change any deadline stated before. About every change Organizers will inform through social media profiles.
4. Abstract of an original work should include following parts:
- Introduction
- Purpose of research
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Summary
5. Abstract of an original work should not exceed 300 words and should not include any figures or charts.
6. Abstract of a case report study should include following parts:
- Scientific basis
- Case report
- Summary
7. Abstract of a case report study should not exceed 250 words and should not include any figures or charts.
8. Abstract of a review work should include following parts:
- Introduction
- Purpose of review
- Conclusions
- Summary
- Bibliography
9. Abstract of a review work should not exceed 300 words and should not include any figures or charts.
10. Qualification of work comes after evaluation executed by Organisators.
11. Each applicant will be informed about results of evaluation via an email no later than 2 weeks before the Congress.
Conditions of presentations in an Oral Session
1. Qualified works will be presented during the Oral Session.
2. According to paragraph I.7 it is possible to present in Polish or English.
3. Official form of presentation is an oral presentation in Polish or English. using multimedia presentation prepared in PowerPoint™. Desire of delivering a presentation without any multimedia support has to be reported when applying.
4. Each presentation is delivered by one author, hereinafter referred as the Speaker. The Speaker is automatically referred as an active participant who filled the application form.
5. The Speaker will receive an individual active participant certificate with the title of presented work.
6. Maximum duration of presentation cannot exceed 7 minutes.
7. Maximum duration of the discussion panel after the presentation cannot exceed 5 minutes.
8. Established order of presentations is determined by Organisers.
9. Multimedia presentation has to be sent to Organisers no later than 7 days before the Congress. The exact deadline and e-mail address for presentations will be delivered to Speakers with qualified works by Organisers. Works sent after the deadline will not be allowed to be presented.
10. Each change concerning multimedia presentations has to be reported to Organizers immediately.
Conditions of works competition
1. Works competition takes place within the Congress.
2. Presenting Speakers are evaluated by the Jury. Criteria include substantive value, transparency of information delivery and methods of presentation.
3. There is no possibility to appeal from the decision of the Jury.
4. Winners will receive rewards and diplomas assigned to the winner's name.
Final Provisions
1. Organizers reserve the right to make any change to the Congress Statute.
2. Filling and sending an application form is equal with acceptance of policy of processing of personal data for essential needs of the Congress (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity: Dz. U. z 2002r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.) and acquaintance of the Congress Statute available at official social media profiles of the Congress.
3. Issues not covered by this document will be resolved by Organisers.
4. The Congress Statute comes into force on the day of publication.